The Meet Cute BookPod

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Meet Cute Romance Bookshop

05 April 2023

48m 44s

Editor Katy Nishimoto, a Pod Exclusive



Becca chats with Katy Nishimoto, who is a senior editor at The Dial Press, an imprint of Random House, and who, prior to that, worked for ten years as a literary agent at WME. In the world of romance, Katy has edited: Queerly Beloved by Susie Dumond and the forthcoming contemporary sapphic Pride & Prejudice retelling Just As You Are by Camille Kellogg, out April 25th. You’ll hear Katy talk about what a literary agent does, what an editor does, how she thinks about categorizing and positioning books in the marketplace, particularly books by queer and BIPOC authors, and how she’s experienced the industry changing since she started working as a literary agent in 2009 (honestly they got on a bit of a tangent here about The Scope of Recent History as it relates to queerness, but hopefully you’ll find it interesting)!