The Meet Cute BookPod

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Meet Cute Romance Bookshop

31 May 2023

42m 23s

Author Diana Biller Live! (Recorded)



Today, we have the audio from our in-store event with Diana Biller, the author of The Widow of Rose House, The Brightest Star in Paris, and, most recently, Hotel of Secrets.

Much like the book, Diana is brilliant and funny and gives good banter. She talks about the time a professor called her essay on jury selection “elegant”, taking herself seriously as an artist, the underrated hotness of ethical men, writing historical romances in uncommon settings and the limitations of seeing history exclusively through the lens of Georgette Heyer’s interpretation of Regency England, and Diana’s approach to research and writing. Then Diana takes some really excellent audience questions, and, ends, of course, with some books she’s loved recently.